The Year Ahead
Relationships, partnerships, commitment, and bonded connections are all a major focus of learning for you this year. Jupiter, the Great Benefic, increases whatever he touches, bringing opportunity, expansion, and well-being along with him. If you are already partnered, it will blossom this year like a well-tended garden. That doesn’t mean it will be without challenge or even struggle. Saturn, the Great Teacher, ensures that relationships will be a classroom and learning experience for you. The good news is that if you pay attention, if you genuinely extend love and caring toward your partner and do what you can to nurture and appreciate your relationship, it will bear wonderful fruit as the year unfolds. Both Jupiter and Saturn are in the Air sign of Aquarius, allowing for ease in communication, understanding, and good will.
If you are single, Jupiter will bring a variety of relationship possibilities and suitors your way. Because optimism is underscored with this transit, you may be tempted to consider and give a chance to everyone who steps up to the plate, even if they are patently unsuited for you or to a committed relationship. Saturn balances the situation and insists that you use your common sense and practicality to assess who and what you’re dealing with. This will allow you to set aside the frogs before you kiss them and more easily find your destined partner. There is a good chance that any serious relationship you begin this year will have deep roots, bring a great deal of fulfillment, and will be long-lasting.
As mentioned above, this year is focused on partnership; however, there are a few highlighted times that are ideal for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your connection with your partner:
Feb 2 – Feb 25
Venus, the Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Romance is in Aquarius in your seventh house of partnership where she joins Jupiter and Saturn for a powerful trifecta of influence on your relationships. Venus rules the seventh house, so she is especially strong here. She makes you incredibly attractive but she is not fond of being alone, so you must be especially picky during this transit. Take your time and don’t rush into anything.
May 10 – June 2
Venus is in Gemini activating your eleventh house of friendship, social engagements, and humanitarian affairs. Gemini loves to chat and never meets a stranger, so you may meet someone wonderful while you’re out and about in the world. If you have a cause or an organization that you volunteer for, this, too, might be an arena that allows you to meet someone with a similar passion. If you’re partnered, you can deepen your connection by doing volunteer work together and joining your energies to make a positive difference in the world.
Jun 28 – Jul 19
Venus moves into your own sign of Leo in your first house and highlights your self-confidence, self-esteem, and attraction. This year she is opposite Jupiter and Saturn in your seventh house of partnership, so you may be pulled between the desire to socialize and the desire for solitude. Both can be fruitful and result in a great connection with a special someone. Remember to flow with the river, and don’t fight the current.
Oct 8 – Nov 5
Venus moves into Sagittarius in your fifth house, firing up love, romance, creativity, and joy. Any activity that allows you to express yourself creatively, or that sparks delight becomes a wonderful venue for connecting with someone who shares the same interests. This is also a very adventurous Venus, so if you’ve wanted to explore something new, go ahead and dive in. If you’re partnered, bring your beloved with you. If you’re single, that could change in the blink of an eye!
Pluto, the Great Transformer, is stationed in your sixth house of work all year. He is asking you to honestly assess your employment, and face head-on anything that isn’t working for you. Uranus in your tenth house of career and achievement is calling you to make necessary changes, even if they feel scary. Venus in Virgo transits your second house of finances July 20 – August 16 where she will trine first Uranus and then Pluto. If you’ve done your research and laid the groundwork. This is an ideal time to take the leap and put into action the professional and employment changes you’ve been considering.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
With Neptune in your eighth house all year, your spirituality is enhanced through the hidden mysteries of birth, death, reincarnation, symbolism, mediumship, and psychic affairs. You’ll find that the study in one or more of these areas carries you toward deep experience and self-awareness. Start slow, find a good teacher (or two), and pursue what interests you the most.
Making the Best of 2021
A reading with a Medium Psychic can bring you an important message from a guide or ancestor that will help make the year ahead much more rewarding. A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2021.