What You Have To Look Forward To
- This should be a positive year for both love and work. Venus graces you with friendly trines from April 6 to April 29, July 12 to August 5, and October 18 to November 11. Love tops your list, and your calendar will be filled with lots of exciting possibilities. You’ll be expressing the most charming version of yourself.
- You may also make some career changes. With Jupiter, Mercury, and the sun supporting you at the end of 2024, the odds are in your favor.
What You Should Watch Out For
- Pluto is in your relationship zone for most of the year, promising deep transformation in your most intimate relationships.
- Be open to change. This is difficult because you may find yourself preferring to keep things exactly as they are. Pluto leads you closer to what your deeper self truly desires.
Astrology Predictions for Your Career in 2024
Mars retrogrades in Leo from early November through the end of 2024. This puts some pressure on you to revise and recover some of your most cherished projects. During this time, Jupiter throws a friendly sextile in your direction, bringing business opportunities your way, especially in areas related to communication and local travel.
From mid-December through December 31, Mercury direct in your buddy sign of Sagittarius will form a mutual reception between Jupiter and Mercury. This is a good time to take a measured risk!
Astrology Predictions for Your Love Life in 2024
Get ready for change. Spring, summer, and fall 2024 feature new and improved relationship potential. Saturn and Neptune in wobbly aspect to you means that you need to keep your feet on the ground. If you employ your deep integrity along with your style, everything should proceed very nicely.
Important Dates for Leo in 2024
April 8: Prepare for the solar eclipse in Aries, which takes place in your ninth house of travel. An opportunity for a trip abroad could surface.
October 2: A new friendship could begin thanks to the New Moon eclipse in Libra!
December 6: Mars is retrograde in Leo. Something you thought was gone forever could resurface as a viable career possibility.