The Year Ahead
Saturn, the great teacher, continues his journey through Aquarius this year, bringing his wisdom, structure, and discipline to your seventh house of partnership and commitment. Consider this your graduate work, your master’s degree, in the art and skill of long, healthy relationships. Some of the lessons you encounter may be difficult, but the most important thing you can do is face whatever comes head-on. Even if you try to make a run for it, you won’t get very far, so you might as well roll your sleeves up and settle in for the duration. In doing so, you are perfectly positioned for the rewards that come from your willingness to grow, mature, and learn the lessons required of you. Saturn goes retrograde from June 14 through October 23, at which point you’ll have the opportunity to reflect upon, review your decisions and actions, and adjust anything that needs adjusting. The rewards that follow your effort and hard work are reflected in Jupiter’s transit through your eighth house of intimacy.
As Jupiter in Pisces moves through your eighth house of deep connection, intimacy, shared resources, and hidden mysteries, you experience the positive results of the effort and hard work you’ve invested in learning about commitment and deep partnership. You may experience a love you’ve never known before, especially as Jupiter conjuncts Neptune on April 12. This is a heart-expanding transit as well as a deeply spiritual one and you will want and need to express your feelings. The one caveat is that you can be overly optimistic under the influence of these planets, so make sure your affections and demonstrations are welcome, otherwise, you could end up disappointed. Jupiter moves into Aries and your ninth house of adventure from May 10 through October 27, so if you’re wanting to travel and explore the world, this is the ideal window of time for that.
This year, the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your relationship with your partner are:
Mar 6 – Apr 5
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and romance; and Mars both step into Aquarius and arrive in your seventh house of partnership on the same day. Venus attracts, Mars acts, and Saturn, firmly ensconced here for the year, keeps a practical eye on events. Whether you are single or partnered, this is a powerful window where commitment and partnership take center stage and you will have important opportunities and decisions to make.
Jun 22 – July 16
Venus steps into Gemini and your eleventh house of friendship, social gatherings, and humanitarianism, trining Saturn and adding grounded, practical energy into the mix. If you have a favorite volunteer activity or a cause near and dear to your heart, you stand a good chance of meeting a potential suitor as you go about the business of helping others. A shared interest and a good friendship can create a strong foundation for romance to grow upon.
Aug 11 – Sept 4
It’s your turn to shine with the light of a thousand suns as Venus steps into your sign and lights up your first house of self. Fortunately, you are not only comfortable in the spotlight, but you also actually enjoy it; all the attention it brings is just icing on the cake. As you peruse potential love interests, Saturn in Aquarius in your seventh house of partnership forms an opposition that asks you to consider each candidate with an eye toward commitment.
Nov 6 – Dec 11
Venus in Sagittarius is all about fun as she activates your fifth house of love, romance, and passion. Not everyone can keep up with your energy and pizzaz, and this is where you’ll be able to sort the wheat from the chaff. You are an inveterate romantic, so make sure whomever you choose to spend time with knows that and responds accordingly.
Uranus in Taurus oversees your career, success, and achievement this year as he holds court in your tenth house. Unexpected opportunities arise and new directions beckon, and you will be hard-pressed not to take advantage of them. Uranus goes retrograde on August 24 and stays that way through the end of the year, giving you the opportunity to reflect on your professional life and make any adjustments necessary for staying on or getting back on track if you’ve strayed. Pluto in Capricorn anchors your sixth house of employment, making transformation the name of the game. Let go of what no longer suits you and have the faith and courage necessary to take steps toward what your heart longs to do.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
Creativity and self-care are important, and you may tend to overlook them this year with everything else demanding your attention. Refuse to allow that to happen, as the joy that comes from creative expression and the well-being that comes from self-love are essential for being able to enjoy the blessings that fill your life.
Making the Best of 2022
A Love Psychic can help you create and manifest the quality of partnership you long for.
A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2022.