The Year Ahead
This year a stellium of planets in Capricorn highlight your solar eleventh house and there is a wonderful focus on friends, community, humanitarianism, future hopes and dreams, and metaphysical studies. You will find certain friendships deepen and become found family, and others, which you have outgrown, will fall away. New people who match your new vibration will show up and friendships form that enrich your life in a variety of ways. You are optimistic and excited about the future, and Jupiter, the Great Benefic, helps you begin to dream new projects and adventures into being. You have strong, clear vision now and Saturn, the Great Teacher, provides you with the discipline and structure you require in order to make your dreams and plans come true. Allow yourself to expand and move in the directions that interest and delight you.
This is a transit where you will also feel called to join different groups and communities that provide you with a sense of belonging and a connection to something greater than yourself. Opportunities, expansion, and education can flow through these groups and you will find that these connections empower you and further the manifestation of your dreams and visions for the future. You’ll find that networking pays big dividends and that you have the outgoing energy necessary to reach out to others, especially if it involves a cause you believe in. This year you are clearing the fields, planting the seeds, and readying your life for an abundant harvest to come. Don’t be afraid to weed copiously in preparation for what will follow.
This year the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your connection with your partner are:
Jan 14 – Feb 8
Venus moves into your own sign of Pisces and highlights your self-confidence, self-esteem, and attractiveness. Venus in Pisces is gently and mysteriously alluring and hard to resist. She is also fun loving, spiritual, kind, and nurturing. If you’re interested in someone, let them come to you – attract them with your siren song. If you’re partnered, dive deeper into the emotional side of your connection and watch how that strengthens it.
Aug 8 – Sep 7
Venus moves into Cancer and lights up love, romance, and fun in your chart. Look for creative projects and classes, literally follow what feels like fun to you, and let that lead you to situations and people that light you up and spark your joy. Share with a partner if you’re mated and keep your eyes open for kindred spirits if you’re single.
Oct 3 – Oct 29
Venus enters Virgo and activates marriage, partnership, and commitment. Ruled by Mercury, communication is highlighted during this transit so if you’re partnered and things have been feeling less than fulfilling, talk about that! Whether you’re mated or single, introduce rich topics and stay up for hours talking about them. Wonderful conversation is where romance begins for you.
Career, business, and achievement are highlighted this year with Jupiter, the ruler of your solar tenth house in Capricorn. Your optimism and jovial spirit call the right people to you at the right time to help you unfold and manifest your hopes and wishes. It’s not magic, it will require commitment, hard work, and a level head, but success is chasing you this year, so do what you need to do in order to let it catch you! Pallas in Sagittarius activates career and recognition so engage your innate wisdom and use it in the service of your professional success. Step up to the plate and let the spotlight shine on you – this is not the time to stay behind the scenes or in the shadows. You must be willing to stand tall and strong, to claim your power, and in that way, you facilitate your success and career recognition.
Personal Growth/Spirituality: Dive into metaphysical and spiritual studies this year. If you’ve always wondered how astrology works, take a class online or in your community. Explore different spiritual paths and see which one’s light you up. Take a shamanism training and develop your ability to converse with nature as well as with the invisible world of spirits; follow that little wiggle of curiosity and delight and see where it leads. This is the year to march to the beat of your own drum and to break free of any kind of social conditioning or expectations that limit your authenticity or insist that you play small. Reach for the stars, have fun while you do it, and anyone who insists that you be or remain “ordinary” needs to receive their walking papers, pronto.
Making the Best of 2020
A reading with an Oracle Cards Psychic can introduce you to something new and help guide you as you explore the opportunities that life is bringing you this year.
Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.
Find an astrology psychic or learn more about astrology readings.
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