The Year Ahead
Saturn, the great teacher, continues his journey through Aquarius and your twelfth house of the subconscious, mystical affairs, dreams, visions, and altered states. This is a period of dissolution. Your old structures, routines, beliefs, and ways of being in the world are being dismantled and you may have periods where you feel raw, naked, alone, and vulnerable. No worries though, because this is not a forever thing. On the other side is a deeper, more vital connection with yourself, your life, and your path. One of the very best choices you can make during this time is to explore spiritual paths and practices, study mystical and metaphysical subjects, and surrender to the process of letting go. Much like how an elaborate sandcastle dissolves when the tide rolls in, your reality is undergoing the same kind of dissolution. And afterward, in that newly clean and clear space, you’ll find the ground ready for you to create new structures once again. Pay close attention to your dreams, intuition, and subtle sense of knowing. They will guide you and take you where you need to go next.
Jupiter, the great benefic, is in your sign of Pisces, transiting your first house of self. This transit is all about growth, expansion, and fulfilling your dreams. You have the optimism and confidence now to carry that baton across the finish line! Jupiter increases everything he touches, going a little bit overboard at times, so pace yourself and don’t take on more than you can chew. Your view of the world is expanding and your desire for growth and self-knowledge increases, resulting in greater happiness, contentment, and fulfillment. Jupiter conjuncts your ruling planet, Neptune, on April 12, and you become the embodiment of compassion, kindness, and spirituality. People may ask you to fix their lives or rescue them, but that would be destructive to you and harmful to them, so best to decline. Jupiter moves into your second house of prosperity from May 10 through October 27. The focus will then shift from self-awareness to finances at that time.
This year, the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your relationship with your partner are:
Jan 1 – Mar 5
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and romance spends a great deal of time in Capricorn and your eleventh house of friendship, social affairs, groups, and humanitarianism this year. This transit actually began on November 6, 2021, including a long retrograde period that allows you to reflect upon and review this area of your life. There’s a good chance for romance under this influence when either a friend introduces you to someone or you connect with a kindred spirit through a group or a social event.
April 5 – May 2
Venus joins Jupiter and Neptune in your first house of self. Your beauty and mystical allure are front and center. Your compassion and empathy can cause you to say yes when you really want to say no, so stay mindful of that and make a commitment to yourself to be honest instead of “nice.”
July 17 – Aug 10
Venus in nurturing, security-loving Cancer steps into your fifth house of love, romance, and passion, possibly trying to put the cart before the horse. Hold off on making a commitment until you have a better sense of who and what you’re committing to. Time is your friend, so be patient and let things take their course.
Sept 5 – Sept 28
Venus in earthy, logical Virgo steps into your seventh house of marriage and partnership, helping you ground your desires and expectations and see someone for who they really are. You are at your witty, intellectual best under the influence of this transit. If you’re already in a committed partnership, this is the time to talk about where you see things going next.
The period when Jupiter enters Aries and your second house of finances, from May 1- through October 27, should be a prosperous one. It includes a retrograde period, allowing you to review your financial state and make any changes necessary for increased abundance. Keep a close eye on your spending, as you may feel overly optimistic regarding the state of your coffers. Overall, though, you can look forward to a period of ease, enjoyment, and prosperity.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
With Pluto in Capricorn moving through your eleventh house of groups and friendships, you are likely to find people, places, and things falling away and no amount of trying to hold on will change that. Transformation is the name of Pluto’s game, so make a firm decision to not leave fingernail marks in what you need to let go of. Open your hands and know that the Universe will replace anything you lose with an upgrade. Have faith, everything will be okay.
Making the Best of 2022
A Money Psychic can help you increase your financial well-being and make wise choices as you move forward.
A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2022.