The Year Ahead
Saturn, the great teacher, continues his journey through Aquarius and your third house of communication, connection, and community. As a Sagittarian, you are a lofty thinker; philosophy, higher education, and religious exploration are all-natural to you. Saturn is asking you to come and place your feet on the ground, to learn to think logically and practically. He is teaching you how to put your thoughts into action, how to make them manifest in reality. You have the opportunity to know yourself better than you ever have before, and as your thinking deepens, your self-confidence and intelligence grow stronger than ever. Because Saturn is all about structure, you are also being asked to extend yourself out into the communities you’re a part of and to take constructive action that has a positive impact on the lives of others. The one important warning with Saturn in your third house is to avoid negative thinking and self-criticism as they lead can to depression. Instead, reach for the sky, you have the support you need to attain it.
Jupiter, the great benefic, moves into Pisces, bringing his optimism, joy, and compassion to your fourth house of home and family. While you tend to be an “out and about” kind of person, Jupiter is offering you the opportunity to dive deeper into your nest, into the domestic arts, and into the relationships, you have with your relatives and family members. Jupiter conjuncts Neptune on April 12, expanding your heart, and possibly portending an encounter with someone in your bio-tribe who is struggling and may need help. Keep in mind that you are not meant to rescue them or fix their lives, but you can assist them in finding their way to the kind of aid that will help them heal. Jupiter moves into Aries and your fifth house of passion and creativity on May 10, remaining there until October 27. This provides a chapter in which to explore creative expression, including but not limited to, putting your thoughts and words out into the world in some impactful way.
This year, the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your relationship with your partner are:
May 2 – May 27
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and romance arrives in all her fiery Aries glory in your fifth house of love, romance, and passion. She is commanding and demanding, but in the best, most powerful of ways. Her energy is enhanced this year by the presence of Jupiter, who increases everything he touches. Not only will you have a great deal of attention, but you’ll also know right away if a suitor is able to meet your high energy and standards or not. Shrinking violets need not apply.
June 22 – July 16
Venus in Gemini lights up your seventh house of partnership and commitment, and if you’ve found the right person, carries your relationship to the next level. If you’re single, you are likely to meet a commitment-minded potential partner. Gemini sometimes has trouble making a firm decision, but if you listen to your heart instead of your mind, you’ll be fine.
Sept 29 – Oct 22
Venus arrives in the sign she rules, Libra, and holds court in your eleventh house of friendship, groups, and humanitarianism. Don’t be surprised if a friend or two sits up and takes notice, and the vibe shifts from friendly to very interested! If you’re single, you stand a good chance of meeting someone through a group you’re part of, or through volunteering, for a cause, you believe in.
Nov 16 – Dec 10
Venus arrives in your sign with her suitcase packed and her passport ready as she steps into your first house of self. Adventure and exploration are her jam, and her excitement and delight in life are contagious. People want to be near you because you lift their spirits and inspire them. Before you agree to spend time with a potential partner, make sure they don’t drain you and instead fill you with energy too.
Pluto, the planet of transformation, is in Capricorn at the command post in your second house of money. And Uranus, the planet that rules radical and sudden change, is ensconced in your sixth house of work. If you feel like you’re standing on the sand and the world is shifting around you, this is likely why. Prosperity consciousness is calling your name, so dive into learning all you can about that. If your job situation feels ready to change, fearlessly go for it. You’re ready.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
Pay attention to your health and well-being instead of taking it for granted. While you are blessed with good health, there comes a time when it must be cared for and renewed. That time has now arrived.
Making the Best of 2022
A Career Advice Psychic can help you decide what to do about your work and the options arrayed before you.
A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2022.