Is There a Career Change in Your Future?
Your job is your livelihood and deciding to leave it is a major life decision. That’s why you need to weigh the pros and cons. Every job has its ups and down, but if your job has more downs than ups, it may be time to look for something that’s more enjoyable. You spend so much time at work, why not make it a positive experience? If you’re in a less-than-ideal work situation, you may be looking for the signs it’s time for a career change. Here are seven important ones.
Should you start looking for a new job? A Career Advice Psychic has the answer!
1. You No Longer Feel Challenged
Your work day goes by so slowly when you’re feeling bored. It may be time for a career change if you’re restless and apathetic most of the day. After all, if you’re apathetic about work, you could become apathetic about your existence! Yes, that may sound extreme, but feeling weary will surely zap your creative energy, ambition, and purpose. If your job doesn’t incite any kind of spark in you—or you simply feel fatigued by the very thought of being in the office—it’s time to rethink your current position.
2. Your Work Environment is Toxic
We’ve all had a coworker or boss we just didn’t get along with. For the most part, however, these personality clashes are fairly easy to live with—or at least navigate so that you can effectively do your job day in, day out. But in some cases, the office becomes a breeding ground for misplaced egos, condescension, and total toxicity. If you’re getting put down or are surrounded by gossip and back-stabbing, or if you feel like you’re being asked to act in unethical ways, it’s time for a career change.
3. You Dread Going into the Office Each Morning
Perhaps you just feel a general sense of uneasiness on your morning commute. You might not really like your job, or your company may be moving in a direction that doesn’t suit you, or perhaps your team tends to overlook your contributions. You may just feel apprehensive about the whole situation. If you love your line of work and want to thrive at what you do, then your current situation certainly won’t lead you to rock-star status in your career. Do what you love—just do it somewhere else and make a career change.
4. Your Stress Levels Affect Other Areas of Your Life
When your anxiety or anger about work start creeping into your home life, particularly your relationships, it’s time for a career change. Life is too short to have your job threaten the bonds you have with other people, especially those nearest and dearest to you. A bad work situation can make you quick to anger, depressed, irritable, and generally negative when it comes to just about anything. Even a cushy salary and sweet corner office aren’t worth the emotional toil that can come with a job that sucks the happiness from you. Your talents and skills will be appreciated elsewhere.
5. Your Work No Longer Aligns with Your Values
As with most people, work probably takes up a good portion of your life. That being the case, it’s not too much to ask that the things your company stands for and the things you stand for align somewhat. Maybe they did when you first started your job, but as people so often do, you’re ideas and values have evolved, but your place of work has not changed their ideas. No one is to blame in this case, but when you wake up miserable every morning, your heart anywhere but in your work, and longing to do something that has meaning for you, it’s time to move on.
6. There’s No Room for Advancement
Few people enter the job market with the intention of staying in the first position they’re hired for. While there are always exceptions, most people enter a position with the expectations of being able to advance in their chosen field once they have mastered their craft. If your current job doesn’t offer any chance of promotion or advancement after you’ve put in years of dedication and hard work for them, and you may even be considered overqualified for the position, you’re more than justified in looking elsewhere for the recognition that you have earned.
7. You’re Burnt Out
Burn out does not mean you’re overworked. It means you’re beyond overworked and you don’t care about anything anymore. You didn’t get that way because you cared too much about your job either, you had help getting there. The people above you took advantage of your desire to please and help out wherever you could, and didn’t think twice about how ragged they were running you. When you work that hard without the due recognition, it’s time for a change of scenery, as fast as humanly possible.
Wondering what the future holds for you? Speak to a Life Path Psychic today.
Fulfill Your Dreams
Leaving your job because you didn’t feel fulfilled by it wasn’t always a common practice. There have also been several periods in recent history when it was better to have any job than no job at all. Doing what you have to in the moment is a sign of strength, but so is knowing when it’s time to move on because you can’t take it anymore. No job is worth your health, your heart, or your soul. Everyone deserves to do something that makes them happy, so don’t be afraid to chase it.

You spend so much time at work, so wouldn’t it be nice to love what you do? Whether you want to get a promotion, start a new career, or make the best of the job you currently have, one of our career advice psychics can help. All you need to do is call for a career advice psychic reading and they’ll do the rest.
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2 thoughts on “Signs it’s Time for a New Job”
These 4 signs that you should leave your job are so true and accurately describe my current situation!
What am I supposed to do. Will I find work this year