History and Evolution of the Chinese Zodiac
Chinese Astrology is a wonderfully complex and ancient system. Ancient Chinese astrologers committed a full lifetime of study to this subject while being supported by Chinese emperors. Like other ancient forms of astrology, it was only available to the emperors and other powerful people. While that may sound like an appealing avocation, the downside to astrological work in ancient China was extreme. It appears to be true that astrologers who failed to predict a solar or lunar eclipse would literally lose their heads for failing the emperors in such crucial events.
Chinese vs. Western Astrology: Differences and Similarities
Like Western astrological charts, your personal Chinese Horoscope is based on the year, month, day, and minute of your birth. But the Western world’s solar calendar is different from the lunar calendar used by the Chinese. Even the constellations in both systems are identified differently. Yet both techniques recognize animals and their qualities in our mythologies that inform both Eastern and Western systems.
The more complex approach to Chinese astrology is deeply tied to Chinese philosophy – including the fundamental yin and yang (feminine/masculine) principles in constant balance and interaction. Chinese astrology has five elements – fire, earth, water, metal, and wood. These elements act as benefactors/generators to each other, as well as being controllers of each other. Balancing the elements so that none appear as too strong or too weak in your chart with the other elements is fundamental to Chinese astrologers’ practices.
How the Yearly Chinese Animal Horoscope Evolved
The 12-year cycle of the animals is based on the 12-year orbit of Jupiter. While the complex techniques of Chinese astrology weren’t available to the general public in the past, the system of the Chinese Zodiac animals was created to make basic astrology understandable. People who weren’t trained to understand the cycles, symbols, and complex language of astrology could remember and relate to the animals and their known qualities. This is where the fun begins for non-experts’ in Chinese astrology to still enjoy the system.
Read this month’s Chinese Horoscope for your animal.
The animal ruler of the Chinese year of your birth represents your interaction with the world at large. It describes qualities you express to others as their animal sign shows their form of expression to you. Your animal year follows:
If you were born during a year of the Rat, you’re probably the smartest and quickest person in the room, or at least, the cleverest. You’re likely to be invited to the best parties, however they take place in our Covid world for a while. You’re quick and adaptable with great charm, and are always creating something new, even brilliant.
Your talents include dealing with complexity, details, and calculations. You set things into motion. Luck comes from avoiding overreaction when you feel challenged or attacked. Then you’ll achieve the balance and perspective needed to reach your greatest plans and ideals.
You are the one everyone counts on in your relationships. You do an excellent job of recognizing the beauty and richness of life and its opportunities. By seeking to fully establish yourself in a life that you love and respect you help others find the balance you naturally possess. Your practicality and determination can lead to great success in your career and finances.
You are deeply committed and loyal in your relationships. You’ll likely have more life-long friends than most others. You’re not easily fooled as you consider each situation presented to you carefully. Great luck and joy are available to you as you focus on the care and comfort of those who surround you.
Sexy, passionate, and attractive, you draw attention from others who often find you irresistible. You love sports and competition and often naturally find yourself in a leadership role. You motivate others with your natural enthusiasm.
Others are drawn to your warmth and sincerity as a lover and friend. Tigers often become members of the military, police, or other careers that enjoy and respect authority. You are competitive in both career and finance and enjoy the action. Even in creative efforts, there’s a special motivation to compete. Luck comes from sharing your talents and being the best at what you do.
You are extremely social, while at the same time you have a certain reserve. You enjoy groups, yet strongly protect your independence. You’re sensitive and enjoy pleasing others. You dread confrontation to the point that you have to learn to stand up for yourself. Yet you find great joy in friendship, love, and communications, so you remain engaged.
Your protective instincts are extremely powerful, so in those instances you have no problem standing up to others. Working in the fields of health or education would likely be a good career choice. Luck arises from your kindness and understanding, bringing comfort to others in need.
You are as enchanting and beautiful as your animal represents. You love to create and be surrounded by beauty with bright and bold fashion statements and other forms of expression. You’re never short on ideas and ideals, some that even manage to come to fruition. No matter the outcome of your visions, there’s a charming dreamer in your heart that others enjoy.
What seems to be inconsistent with your dreamer instincts is your ability to be extremely strong in your convictions. This offers an important balance to your life. Luck comes from your love of self-expression, allowing you to adapt easily to becoming a public persona in the arts, politics, and sports.
Your natural grace of movement brings an elegance and subtlety to your presence. You love to investigate things and dig into the details of any subject. You are a natural researcher. You find fascination and wonder in how all things work together. You truly enjoy bringing ideas and details together to make a situation work. Television has made things like forensic accounting sexy, but you knew that all along.
Speaking of sexy, thanks to your love of these deeper studies, you are highly sensual. You understand the power awarded through nature and natural expression. Luck comes from balancing your inquisitive nature with your enjoyment of intense love and passion.
You are a natural athlete and enjoy working with teams. You strive for success and stop at no less than what it takes to win with your closest fellow workers, athletes, or political activists. Your abilities in these areas would make you a good group leader or team player. Sharing a common success is one of your greatest joys and being able to be heroic appeals to your sense of self.
Take care to be open to others’ points of view. While you find comfort in the familiar, luck will arise from your willingness to learn and grow beyond apparent limitations and ways of thinking for the greater enjoyment of others.
Gentle and giving, you’re receptive to others’ needs and happily work to be supportive. Your natural ability to care for family and friends as a mutually beneficial group brings you joy. You love to share in decision-making, taking a naturally democratic approach with others that the best decision is one that everyone works together to determine and achieve.
When you consider that sheep have fed and clothed humans in a sustainable way for centuries through their wool and milk, another appealing career could be in earth science and maintaining a planet that is healthy for all. Luck arrives through serving others, bringing you fulfillment, and allowing your naturally sweet qualities to flourish.
Others can find it quite a challenge to keep up with you at times. Your mind is so clever and adaptable that you’re often ahead of the crowd. Your inventiveness is sometimes a true wonder as you find ways to achieve success that others likely haven’t even considered. Your curiosity constantly draws you to new ways of observation, thinking, and inventing. Your mischievousness is entertaining, but don’t take it to such extremes that others don’t take you seriously. Rather than resenting such a response, show them your real talents of problem-solving.
Luck comes from recognizing yourself as an innovator in a field that you find appealing and mutually beneficial for others.
You’re a person of action, particularly when it comes to your career. You are clear-eyed about what you want to achieve in life. You rarely shy away from work since you enjoy initiating and building toward a better future. You have a natural inclination and talent for business, so be certain that you go into a career that allows growth in both level of responsibility and finances, while still being proud of what you do.
You may put yourself in the position of having too much work that it then becomes burdensome. Ask for help when you need it, and others will love joining your team as a co-worker, friend, or lover. Luck arises from your outstanding vitality, making you particularly attractive in all areas of life.
You’re a naturally loyal partner in all areas of your life. You enjoy close relationships and are an excellent protector of everyone and everything you love. You’re kind and sympathetic, listening carefully to others and their needs. You’re quick to forgive, allowing humor to save the day.
Luck arises from your playfulness, both physically and mentally, making it easy for you to find partners and happy relationships. Your deep enjoyment of life and its wonders are a real asset.
Your animal has long been a symbol of wealth and generosity, related to the ancient goddess cultures representing birth, pleasure, and fulfillment. You’re highly intelligent and work hard for the security of your family and friends so that you can enjoy the fun of life. You have many talents and stick with a project until it’s completed. Your great capacity to befriend many diverse, interesting people offers spiritual growth. Luck comes from recognizing your skills and talents. Your work is rewarded with wealth that you share with others. This even allows you the ability to do fulfilling volunteer work.
Relating to the Stars
The Chinese Zodiac allows you to recognize the special “animal” qualities within yourself. They are like spirit guides that you can call upon at any time. It’s a simple approach to a vast subject that can delight you with its insights on how you relate to these animals and how they relate to you.

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Interesting facts.