What You Have To Look Forward To
- 2024 promises to move you closer to what you want from your career and relationships.
- Powerful aspects from the moon’s North Node in your tenth house of work urge you to reach out and take risks. You may experience a temporary disruption at home. It could also bring change.
What You Should Watch Out For
- Certain partners may go through financial breakdowns and need to rebuild for most of 2024. You’re always eager to help, but remember that although you love to care for and protect people, you can’t take on responsibilities that belong to other adults.
- Challenging aspects from the South Node in Libra could make you impatient with yourself and others. Things will work themselves out, so long as you don’t take problems too much to heart.
Astrology Predictions for Your Career in 2024
The solar eclipse in your tenth house on April 8 brings new ideas, goals, and strategies to the surface. Get ready for change, because a wave of inspiration floods your thoughts thanks to the moon’s North Node in your career sector. Mars in your tenth sector throughout May urges you to pursue the goals you set in April. Things move quickly, and by mid-July, your second house of money receives a joint kiss from Venus and Jupiter!
Mars transits your first and second houses from September 5 through the end of 2024, bestowing the energy you need to make your dreams a reality.
Astrology Predictions for Your Love Life in 2024
The deep transformative work (and play) inspired by Pluto in your seventh sector is about to come to an end. By mid-January, Pluto moves into your eighth house of shared assets, and you’ll feel the emotional weather clear. And, except for a brief return in early fall, Pluto has left your house of partners for good.
Love takes on a lighter tone when Venus enters your seventh house on January 24. Mars is with Venus until February 14, promising some fiery fun! Venus and Mars form a lovely sextile to each other in the final two weeks of June and the first two weeks of July. During your birthday month, a celebration of love and financial abundance is likely!
Important Dates for Cancer in 2024
April 8: Prepare for the total solar eclipse in your tenth house of work. Flow with powerful changes for now.
April 1-June 19: Vesta transits through Cancer. This brings a sacred and transformational aura to love connections.
June 18: Mercury and Venus are conjunct in Cancer. A love connection will flow sweetly.