What You Have To Look Forward To
- Your birthday picture for 2024 is looking lucky! Jupiter enters your sign on May 25, a few days after the sun. Mercury follows and forms a conjunction with jovial Jupiter on June 4.
- Shortly after, Pluto in Aquarius trines the two, adding power and intensity. This means that power structures, planetary support, and your own adroitness will drop golden petals on your path for your birthday month.
- On June 6, the New Moon in Gemini will be influenced by this planetary cluster. Choose what you want to pursue and let these planets energize you.
What You Should Watch Out For
- Neptune squares you from Pisces, which might cause some fogginess or confusion when it comes to strategies and methods.
- When planetary influences become overwhelming, read the fine print and stick to your plans. You’ll succeed tremendously if you do.
Astrology Predictions for Your Career in 2024
A trine to you from Pluto in Aquarius supports positive transformation in your career. If you want a change, the planets will back you up in early June. Remember that Saturn’s influence will demand you “do the work.” You’re used to winging it successfully, but if you meet Saturn’s tests and stick to a uniform structure, all your visions and dreams may come to earth.
Astrology Predictions for Your Love Life in 2024
The New Moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 in your fun and pleasure zone brings a new vision for what you’re seeking. Mercury, your ruler, also conjuncts the New Moon on that day, signaling that your gift for captivating speech will take you far in any relationship.
Important Dates for Gemini in 2024
June 1-8: The sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter form a stellium in Gemini. To put it simply, you rule the sky during this week, Gemini.
October 2: A New Moon eclipse conjuncts Mercury, which trines you during this New Moon cycle, making it a good time to push your agenda as the moon brightens during the next two weeks.