The Year Ahead
A busy, decisive and possibly eye-opening year awaits you, Aquarius, that is not without its ups and downs, according to your Aquarius 2018 Horoscope. Of course, the same could be said for almost any sign, but thanks to impulsive Mars’ extensive stay in your first house, a house that will also host two of this year’s five eclipses, this will be a very intense and interesting year for you. Sometimes we don’t actively pursue the changes we truly desire, however, the Universe won’t allow for stagnancy where change is needed, and sometimes it steps in to provide a much-needed push in the right direction. All we can do is ride the wave with a belief we’ll land in a better place.
Wondering what else 2018 has in store for you, Aquarius? Read with an astrology psychic and find out!
Love and Relationships
Mars in your first house will touch every part of your life from work to relationships, but mostly it sparks a change within you. However, it’s the solar eclipse on February 15 and the lunar eclipse on July 27, also in your very personal first house, which will mark a possibly dramatic end to one aspect of your life and an equally exciting new beginning. Whether this pertains to your work life or your love life is personal to each of you in this sign, but this is certainly an area which has needed to change for a while—one you thought about but did not act upon perhaps. If you haven’t taken care of business, then the eclipses step in and sort of force the issue.
A Better Place Than Before
As mentioned, there will be five eclipses this year and two of them will touch your seventh house of marriage, partnerships, one-on-one relationships, and agreements, to name a few. The first will be a lunar eclipse in red-hot Leo on January 31. This eclipse will likely bring some unexpected news from a partner or lover. This is a classic example of how astrology can help us to know what’s coming, so we can prepare a strategy for dealing with things before they happen. It may not necessarily be bad news; it may just be surprising in some way. If however, January brings the end to a relationship, then by the solar eclipse in Leo on August 11 you’ll see why it was a necessary step that helped you let go and say goodbye to a bad situation. You will feel proud of yourself for being so strong. Remember, eclipses bring us to a better place than before.
Money and Career
Between mid-May through mid-August and again from September 10 through November 15, you may feel as though people are pressing on your last nerve. Mars is a combative warrior who likes to react, but as an air sign and one who tends to think a lot, the best advice is to think before you speak, react or do something you may regret later. You may still have a comeback or some way in which you’d like to retaliate, but do it when it’s good for you, and not when others are trying to elicit a reaction. If this involves work, make sure you’ve got a plan before you fly off the handle and let them know how you’re feeling.
Financial Burdens
Speaking of sitting in silence, you now have set-it-straight Saturn in your twelfth house of very private matters for the next two-and-a-half years. If you’ve been saddled with a financial burden or responsibility that is either not yours to bear or shouldn’t be yours alone, the twelfth house may make you feel like sticking your head in the sand, but Saturn won’t let you. This may be something that can be handled with a simple and open conversation, but there’s a chance you may have to take the next logical step to get help. Don’t feel bad; feel free that you cleared the air. Release a burden and feel better.
Some Financially Uplifting News
Would you like some uplifting news? Well, it doesn’t get more uplifting, financially anyway, than having lucky and expansive Jupiter in your tenth house of career until November 2018. If you want a promotion, a job change or even a career change, Jupiter is there to provide opportunities. If you think about the eclipses in conjunction with this transit, then you’ll realize that even when we’re going through something, there were other planets lending support. Venus and Jupiter are two of the most giving, loving planets in the zodiac. Eclipses are like the checks and balances of the Universe; they propel us into the next phase and to our highest good.
You and the Universe
Your Aquarius 2018 Yearly Horoscope indicates that this may be a year of big changes—changes for the better in many ways. Though some days may seem trying and challenging, it will all be worth it in the end.
Now that you have the GPS coordinates for 2018, you can use your free will to choose what roads you’ll take.
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