Navigating Your Spiritual Zone: A Truly Transformational Journey
With tons of planetary action occurring in your subconscious twelfth house throughout 2019, you’ll be doing a lot of reflecting on where you’ve been, how you landed where you are, and where you’re headed next in just about every aspect of life. It can feel heavy-duty at times but trust that this is just what you need to do in order to create the life you really want. Your twelfth house represents closure, completion, and things that have been hidden. However, you won’t be facing it all alone as the twelfth house also represents your angels and your spirit guides.
Unpredictable Uranus will shift into your fourth house in March. Uranus will make quick business of clearing out what doesn’t serve your current lifestyle—from actual clutter to unproductive relationships. With jovial Jupiter in your eleventh house for most of 2019, it’s time to widen your social circle with like-minded people. Later in the year, Jupiter will move into Capricorn, joining Pluto and Saturn. A Jupiter/Saturn hookup is pretty rare, so take this opportunity to set yourself up for future endeavors—perhaps starting a home-based or tech-based business. This year you’ll be clearing the clutter in order to make room for a more expansive, eye-opening world.
Eclipses can be life-changing and often bring unexpected events. Three of this year’s five eclipses take place in your twelfth house—your spiritual zone. Past experiences may come to the forefront, but only to help you heal and move on. Turn this into a triumph story so that you may move ahead in your own unique and special way. Here’s a deeper look at your 2019 horoscope.
With so much twelfth house activity, you can expect that if you’re single, you might meet a few intriguing, if not dreamy, prospects in 2019. However, you may have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince/princess. With Jupiter expanding your friendship zone, single or attached, you’ll be widening your circle of friends and acquaintances. The January 21 eclipse in Leo (your opposite sign) is the last in a set of eclipses occurring in your first and seventh houses since February 2017. The focus of these eclipses was on you and your closest personal relationships.
For some coupled Aquarians this year’s eclipse could bring an ending or alternatively it could bring an ending to how you relate to one another, thereby making room for a whole new beginning. Also, a late January Jupiter/Venus conjunction in your eleventh house could cause you to seem distant or removed from focusing on a romantic partnership. There could be some tensions in love between March and April too. If you’re truly happy in your love life, despite some occasional problems, try to find the balance.
Coupled or single, July can be a bag of mixed tricks. While overall quite passionate and exhilarating, a Mars/Uranus square could signal a moment where you experience difficulties in love. Adding to that is a Mercury retrograde, possibly causing some misunderstandings and missed communications, according to your 2019 horoscope. However, if you can hang in there, at least until the July 31 new moon (new beginning) in your house of commitment and partnership, things will certainly turn for the better. While the beginning of the year may have been challenging, the outlook from here on is much better. You’ll find a happy medium that benefits all of your closest relationships.
A Scorpio full moon in your career zone indicates recognition for a job well done in May. Work and career have been an ever-changing landscape for you for quite some time. Over the summer months, you may explore new career possibilities, around July 2, as you experience a new moon solar eclipse in your sixth house of daily work. An October new moon brings an even better opportunity for a career change, according to your 2019 horoscope.
Money & Finances
As the humanitarian of the zodiac, you may find yourself focused on charities or organizations that help others in need. However, before contributing your hard-earned cash, do your due diligence. Know that your investment is going to a reputable charity. This and any other financial matters that come up around March—when Mercury will be in retrograde in your house of income—should be looked at carefully. Seek advice if needed.
Best Dates
Your best dates, according to your 2019 horoscope, are December 2, when expansive Jupiter joins Saturn and Pluto in your twelfth house, and December 27, when a Jupiter/Sun conjunction makes it one of the luckiest days of the year. Look at 2019 as the year where you cleared most of the clutter that held you back so that you could move freely into the life you’ve dreamt of. Jupiter will do the rest.
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