The Year Ahead
Saturn, the great teacher, continues his journey through your sign and your first house of self, affecting how you walk in the world, and the ways in which you present yourself to others. This is a powerful transit that takes you down to the bones of who you truly are. False personas, lack of self-awareness, and ego-driven expressions all come to a screeching halt. This transit demands that you discover who you truly are, find your inner strength, and begin to live authentically. Insecurity, harsh consequences for past actions, and feelings of vulnerability are all indicators that your masks and old coping mechanisms are being dismantled and falling away so that your true self is able to develop and emerge. If who you truly are at a soul level is different than how you lead your life, the inauthentic is going to crumble away. By the end of this transit, if you are paying attention, letting go, and surrendering to the process, you will know who you truly are, you will be more deeply connected to your soul and to your true life path, and you will be living a fulfilling life that reflects your deepest truth.
Jupiter, the great benefic, is in Pisces, bestowing blessings on your prosperity, personal finances, and core values. Whatever Jupiter touches increases, so you can expect an increase in your overall abundance. Jupiter can go overboard though, so you will need to keep an eye on your spending. During times of opulence and plenty it’s natural to want to spend freely and exuberantly but resist that temptation. Enjoy your life but remember that everything has a cycle. A healthy relationship with money requires a balance between your ability to make it, save it, and spend it. If any one of those actions malfunctions, problems arise. Jupiter conjuncts Neptune on April 12. Pay close attention to financial details as this transit can make it difficult to see clearly, making deception possible. Jupiter moves into Aries and your third house of communication, connection, and community from May 10 through October 27 shining a light on how you engage with the world around you.
This year, the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your relationship with your partner are:
Mar 6 – April 5
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and romance steps into Aquarius, hand in hand with Mars, the lord of ambition and lust, creating a dramatic arrival if ever there was one! You can expect to be the center of attention, and you’ll likely have many offers with interested suitors storming the gates. You are under no obligation to give anyone the time of day unless you’re as interested as they are. Fortunately, Saturn is in this house as well, and makes it easy to see someone’s true intentions, and equally easy to say, “No thank you.”
June 22 – July 16
Venus in Gemini graces your fifth house of love, romance, and passion in the same way a butterfly explores a beautiful garden filled to the brim with nectar-producing flowers. You can pick and choose among the offerings arrayed before you without guilt. Have fun and enjoy your lightness of being.
Aug 11 – Sept 4
Venus steps into your seventh house of marriage and partnership cloaked in the fiery robe of Leo, making it time to go big or go home. Leo wants a commitment, no excuses. And if you’re already in a committed relationship she believes in her bones that it’s time to take the next step, whatever that looks like to you. With this transit in play, you know your own worth and are unwilling to settle for anything less.
Nov 16 – Dec 10
Venus steps into fun-loving Sagittarius and your eleventh house of friendship, groups, social events, and humanitarianism just in time for some holiday fun. While the vibe here is open and free, that doesn’t mean you can’t meet someone who will ring in the New Year and beyond with you. Stay open to holiday connections and kindred spirits. Santa may have a surprise or two up his sleeve!
As mentioned above, this year has a major focus on money and abundance as Jupiter transits through your second house. Uranus in Taurus in your fourth house stirs up issues and energy around security; under his influence, you may find yourself moving, or at the very least, upgrading your living situation. Resist impulsive decisions and actions but stay open and willing to embrace change.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
Pluto in Capricorn brings tremendous power to your subconscious mind as he transits slowly through your twelfth house. Consider exploring the ways your subconscious influences and manifests in your life, keeping in mind that if your conscious mind believes one thing but your subconscious believes another. Your subconscious mind will always win out.
Making the Best of 2022
A Life Path Psychic can help you uncover your life purpose, discover your authentic self, and align with your highest good.
A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2022.