The Year Ahead
This year there is a tremendous focus on home, family, and security. This can unfold and express itself in many ways, beginning literally with your home. Jupiter, the Great Benefic, is part of a stellium of planets highlighting your solar fourth house, indicating that you may move, buy a home, buy a bigger home, remodel, or expand the home you already have. At the very least you will upgrade your living situation in some way, making your nest a happier and more comfortable place to be. Domestic activities will hold a new appeal, and even if you’re someone who has enjoyed the domestic arts in the past, they will take on a new richness and fulfillment for you during this transit. If you’ve contemplated taking cooking classes or expanding your culinary skills, this is a perfect transit for that.
Family life will be more rewarding during this transit, and relationships with the people you love and care about will deepen and grow. You may also find yourself with a new fascination regarding your roots, ancestry, and family lineages and legends. Dive in and explore where it leads. This is a fertile period of life. This transit may include starting a home-based business, creating an income stream somehow directly linked to your home, and this is a transit that is also good for long term financial planning and security.
This year the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your connection with your partner are:
Jan 1 – Jan 13
Venus moves into Aquarius and lights up love, romance, and fun in your chart. Look for playful things to do like miniature golf, a trip to an amusement park, or a creative class that lets you explore and learn about a new interest. If you’re partnered, go together – sharing a fun activity always brings people closer. If you’re single, shared interests make meeting a potential partner that much easier.
Feb 2 – March 6
Venus enters Aries and activates marriage, partnership, and commitment. This transit also includes Chiron, giving you an opportunity to unearth and heal any old wounds and core negative beliefs that may be harming your relationship, your ability to commit, or to attract a quality partner. Venus in Aries has the fire and power necessary for tackling anything standing in the way of genuine happiness.
Sept 7 – Oct 3
Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and romance is in Leo and activates friendship and social engagements in your chart. Socialize, get out of the house, connect with new people and shine your light for all to see. It’s easy to deepen friendships during this transit and to attract new and interesting people into your life.
Oct 29 – Nov 22
Venus moves into your own sign of Libra and highlights your self-confidence, self-esteem, and attractiveness. The Part of Fortune is here as well so the more you believe in yourself and the more you love and care for yourself, the more beauty you carry and project into the world. By knowing your own worth you are able to attract or to keep a partner that holds you in the same high regard.
The North Node is in your solar tenth house of career, recognition, and success demanding that you pay attention to your career and nurture this area of your life. Get in touch emotionally with what really matters to you regarding your work, what fulfills you, and then concentrate on growing that. With the focus on home and family that this year brings you may be tempted to ignore your work and career; do not make that mistake. Instead, consider that you may be able to bring the two together under one roof, or if that’s not possible, you have the capacity to equally nurture and nourish both, and it’s important that you do.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
Embrace change, don’t avoid it. It’s natural to want to be comfortable and to strive to keep things in place exactly as they are when you are content, but too much of that turns to atrophy and life begins to grow stifled and stale. By accepting change when it comes your way instead of fighting or avoiding it, you are telling the Universe, “I trust that you have my highest good at heart and that my life will be better because of this change.” And because form follows thought, that’s exactly what will happen!
Making the Best of 2020
A reading with a Channeling Psychic can shed light on the path and opportunities ahead and help give you the courage to make the changes that are in your best interest to make. Everyone needs support sometimes; wisdom allows us to ask for it.
Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.
Find an astrology psychic or learn more about astrology readings.
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