The Year Ahead
Pack your bags and get your passport ready because adventure, travel, expansion, higher learning, and new horizons are all indicated by Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, activating your ninth house. Even if the pandemic is still making literal travel impossible, you are uber-creative and intelligent and can find endless ways to expand your mind, your life, and your overall experience.
If you’ve always wanted to learn another language, this is the year for that, and you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home! Armchair travel and dive into a Scandinavian detective book or TV series. Take a cooking class that features food from other cultures. Sign up for a pen pal who lives overseas. There are so many possibilities. You are limited only by your imagination and your willingness, which means you are not limited at all.
Higher education is also favored this year, so if you’ve been thinking about going back to school, or taking continuing education courses, or even an online training of some sort, sign up and dive in! The wonderful Irish poet, John O’Donohue, sums this year up for you with these wonderful words, “May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.”
This year the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your connection with your partner are:
March 22 – Apr 14
Venus, the Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Romance is in Aries and activates groups, social gatherings, and humanitarian affairs in your chart. If you’re single you may meet a kindred spirit at a rally or some kind of gathering that has a higher purpose. If you’re partnered, look for a cause or an organization that both you and your beloved are passionate about and get involved. It will carry your relationships to a whole new level.
May 10 – June 2
Venus moves into your sign and is trine Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. Your confidence and self-esteem increase and your desire to get out into the world and have some fun carries you in new directions. You are very likely to meet someone who can introduce you to a new culture or an unexpected experience. Your bottomless curiosity is one of you best features.
Aug 17 – Sep 10
Venus moves into Libra, the sign that she rules, and activates love, romance, and passion in your chart. Your creativity is stimulated and the people and activities that you’re passionate about call out for your time. You just might meet someone at that mixed media painting class, even if it’s online. Love can shine and find you anywhere.
Oct 8 – Nov 6
Venus enters Sagittarius and highlights marriage, partnership, and committed relationships. If you are partnered plan a few getaways with your beloved. Even if you can’t go abroad, a trip to the mountains or the sea can reinspire your romance. If you’re single, go explore the things that most interest you, be they art, learning, or canning peaches. Meeting someone who shares those interests is a jump start to a compatible relationship.
Compassionate Neptune joins Ceres in your tenth house of career and success this year. Your desire to help, to serve, to make a difference on the planet is underscored and you may find employment that becomes a vocation by pursuing a career in whatever it is that makes your heart sing. Your ruling planet, Mercury, activates your second house of finances July 12 – 29 and is trine Neptune. Your intuition will be especially keen and fruitful during this transit and marketable ideas and opportunities will flow your way. Play with possibilities and see where they lead.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
Pluto, the Great Transformer, activates your eighth house of hidden mysteries and the unconscious. Neptune, the Great Mystic, sits at the top of your chart in his own sign of mystical Pisces, and the Great Awakener and ruler of metaphysical affairs, Uranus, highlights your twelfth house of dreams and visions. You are a lightning rod for insight, altered states, subtle perception, dreams, and visions this year. Keep a journal. You’ll have omens coming out of your omens! So many signs, portends, and symbols flow your way that you won’t be able to remember them all. But if you journal them, you’ll be able to look back and remember, with awe, the magnitude of Mystery that filled and flowed through 2021.
Making the Best of 2021
A reading with a Medium Psychic can bring you messages from your ancestors that will be helpful and healing and that will pave the way for an entirely new life experience. You may even decide to develop your own mediumistic ability. You have this gift, so why not?
A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2021.