The Year Ahead
Career, success, recognition, and accomplishment are all underscored this year by the presence of Saturn, the great teacher, in your tenth house. Effort and hard work pay big dividends during this period, so give it your all and enjoy the rewards that follow. Your ruling planet, Venus, along with ambitious Mars, joins Saturn on March 6, so you can expect a windstorm of opportunities to come your way. You’ll have the inner stamina necessary to step through the new doors that open for you. Saturn goes retrograde June 14 – Oct 23, giving you a chance to slow down, review, and reflect on all that’s transpired. New choices and decisions are likely to follow.
Jupiter, the great benefic, spends the first part of the year in Pisces, transiting your eleventh house of friendship, social connections, and humanitarianism. He conjuncts deeply spiritual Neptune on April 12. Expect radical, heart-opening moments and transcendent experiences that put you in touch with what truly matters in life. On May 10, Jupiter moves into Aries, activating your twelfth house of dreams, the subconscious, and mystical affairs. Your intuition will ratchet up and memories from the past, including past lives, are likely to make an appearance. Jupiter turns retrograde and heads back toward Pisces at the end of July, providing you an opportunity to integrate your recent mystical experiences and memories. He reenters Pisces on October 28 and remains there until December 20, giving you a repeat of that inspiring chapter and cycle.
This year, the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your relationship with your partner are:
Mar 6 – Apr 5
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and romance, and your ruling planet joins Jupiter and Neptune in your eleventh house of friendship, social affairs, and humanitarianism. Friendships may take on a romantic note, so carefully consider all of the consequences before you take a step in that direction. Causes and organizations that you’re passionate about provide an opportunity to meet others of like mind and heart. A shared passion and belief system may introduce you to a potential partner.
May 2 – May 28
Venus joins Uranus in Taurus in your first house of self, and you are acutely aware of the importance of being authentically yourself. Fortunately, there is nothing quite as attractive as someone who is comfortable in their own skin and unafraid of being their unique, quirky selves. You may attract a wild-card or two, but hey, experience is the spice of life.
Sept 5 – Sept 29
Love, romance, and passion are highlighted when Venus steps into Virgo and lights up your fifth house. Your earthy goodness illuminates the sky around you and an opposition to tender-hearted Jupiter in Pisces could bring a compassionate and spiritually aware suitor to your doorstep. Initially, you might think you don’t have enough in common to pursue a serious relationship, but you may want to reconsider once you know them better.
Oct 23 – Nov 15
Partnership and commitment take the floor when Venus moves into emotional, passionate Scorpio and takes command of your seventh house. A trine to Jupiter opens the door to deeper love and encourages you to take the next step in your relationship. What was once a romantic spark could grow into a bonfire of love.
Ambitious, driven Mars in Gemini takes the wheel of your second house of finances, prosperity, and core values on August 8. Pay attention to what you’re passionate and excited about and follow those interests like you would breadcrumbs on the path before you. Stay open to new possibilities and opportunities, and at the same time, don’t allow your energies to be scattered and unfocused. Mars goes retrograde on October 30 and stays that way through the end of the year. This will give you a much-needed chance to slow down and revisit your personal finances, making important decisions during your review.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
Higher studies, transformative thinking, and spiritual expansion are all highlighted by Pluto in Capricorn in your ninth house. Pluto goes retrograde on April 12, remaining in retrograde until October 8. Use this time to slow down and take a closer look at how you’re expanding your horizons and if they feed your spirit and your soul as well as they feed the other parts of you. Your creativity takes on new life and expression, deepening your joy and fulfillment. Look for opportunities to mentor, teach, and share your knowledge and wisdom. As you do, you’ll notice there’s more room in your cup for new knowledge and experience to flow in.
Making the Best of 2022
Sometimes an abundance of possibilities can feel overwhelming and create a roadblock. A Career Advice Psychic can help you discern and make wise choices, making the best use of the many opportunities that knock on your door this year.
A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2022.