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Money manifestation, material possessions, wealth, prosperity, new beginnings, and a chance for a fresh start.
Coins Suit Meaning
Coins are most associated with the outer realities of life like work, employment, wealth, and material possessions. Coins represent Earth signs, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Earth signs are often known for being ambitious, hard-working, security-driven, and focused on the bottom line. Depending on the deck, this suit could be called Coins, Disks, Pentacles, and Aces, to name a few.
General Meaning for the Ace of Coins
Aces in all suits denote a fresh start and a new energy that provides a feeling of inspiration. Since the suit of coins is connected with the Earth element, the Ace of Coins points to material matters, such as money and tangible prosperity. Seeing the Ace of Coins in a reading is considered favorable, as it symbolizes being able to live a fruitful life, a substantial financial portfolio, and access to the best money can buy.
The Ace of Coins in the Past/Yesterday Meaning
In the past position, the Ace of Coins can represent coming from a well-to-do or prosperous family life. Whether you were born into it, or obtained it later, the Ace of Coins might indicate that you were set up to live a prosperous life. It may also show that you made a move away from lack and to a place where there was better opportunity to live your best life possible.
The Ace of Coins in the Present/Today Meaning
In the current position, the Ace of Coins means life is full of plenty and prosperity in the material sense. Chances are you have all you need and you want for very little, if anything. You’re in a space of security, giving you a feeling of contentment. Life will still have lessons for you to learn, so if something comes to challenge that position, you are in a good place to overcome it easily. Also, by elevating your own position of prosperity, you are now in a position to help others, if you choose to do so, and you likely will.
The Ace of Coins in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning
The Ace of Coins in the future position can represent a goal you want to achieve – vocationally, financially, or status-wise. What you have imagined and worked for is likely to soon manifest in your life such as a new home with all the amenities, or a vehicle that you’ve always wanted. All of the Earth signs are generally known for working tirelessly to achieve goals. The Ace of Coins in the future position symbolizes the payoff for hard work and ambition.
Love and Relationships Meaning for the Ace of Coins
If you’re single and looking for love, the Ace of Coins in a reading could indicate that true love is just around the corner. The Ace of Coins is all about manifestation through true intention. Chances are if you want love in your life bad enough, you have, through your savvy career moves, prepared yourself for this to come true and put yourself in a position to accept it when it arrives. Sometimes the Ace of Coins can represent a ring of gold, like a wedding ring.
If you’re already in a relationship, the Ace of Coins is a good indication that you’re both happy with yourselves as individuals and as a couple. You both feel independent enough in your relationship, as well as completely supported by the other. It could also tell of a financial opportunity for the two of you when you work together – starting a new business venture or buying a new home of your dreams.
Career Meaning for the Ace of Coins
The Ace of Coins in a work-related reading is a positive sign that indicates wealth and prosperity. It is a sure indication of a turn of events to come – whether a new job, promotion, or even starting a new business of your own.
Financial Meaning for the Ace of Coins
You may be in a position to eliminate debt and live a life of abundance. As with any card of this type, desire and passion will match the outcome. Any efforts made on your behalf will be rewarded.
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